This week, Senior Pastor Sue Botta shares with us her 3 tips for building a strong partnership with the Holy Spirit!

I find that I connect with the Holy Spirit when I worship. The Bible talks a lot about worship – this can be with music or praise. Singing, listening to worship and just enjoying hearing songs, takes my heart and mind to another place. Saying Thank You Jesus. When we worship and lift the name of Jesus with our mouths, the power drops to our heart and His presence comes. It also shifts our minds from negative thoughts and complaining (Psalm 100:4).
Walking and Praying
I love to walk around our neighbourhood and when I do I pray. I pray in English and I pray in tongues - without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16). The blessing of speaking in tongues is that my brain does not need to engage. It is my direct communication line to Jesus from my heart to Him.
Stilling my heart
Life can be so hectic and busy, so noisy. I always remember the story of Susannah Wesley (Mother of Charles and John). She never preached a sermon, she had 19 children of which only 8 survived. She had an extremely hard life, yet she found time every Sunday afternoon to teach her children (with about 200 others who turned up) about Jesus. She practiced daily devotions and declared the grace of God. I heard that she had a rocking chair in the kitchen and when her apron was placed over her head, her children knew not to disturb her – she was spending time with Jesus. She was known as the “mother of Methodism”, as her sons went on to be the founders of the Methodist Church. (Psalm 100).
Let these 3 tips stir and encourage you as you reflect on how they apply to your life!
Written By Ps. Sue Botta (Senior Pastor of C3 Church Carlingford & Wentworthville)