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He is Essential

What is Essential? Partnering with the Holy Spirit

As we dive into our daily routines, there are often elements we deem essential. For many, like me, that morning cup of coffee stands as an indispensable ritual. But as we delve into the notion of life’s essentials, my cup of coffee is more on the trivial side.

What is essential to your day-to-day life?

As we move towards Pentecost Sunday, a line of inquiry inspired by the history

As we move towards Pentecost Sunday, a line of inquiry inspired by the history

recorded in the book of Acts leads us to consider: Is the Holy Spirit as crucial to our daily lives as other cherished rituals and commitments are?

We’re journeying into the heart of Acts, unveiling the profound significance of the Holy Spirit in shaping the early church and, by extension, our lives today.

Acts, penned as the continuation of Luke's Gospel, directs our attention quickly to continuing work of Jesus into the starting of the early church through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, in His final moments with the disciples, emphasized the imminent arrival of the Holy Spirit, marking a pivotal transition in their walk with Him. This divine promise was not merely an accessory but an essential catalyst for the newly forming church.

The narrative unfolds, unveiling the Holy Spirit's multifaceted role: as the inspirer of Jesus’ teaching instructions, coming through a new baptismal empowerment, with an empowering effect on the early church’s witness to Christ.

Each verse resonates with the resounding truth: the Holy Spirit is essential in the life of every believer.

Yet, amidst the clamor of our modern world, we find ourselves navigating against the current, striving to make the Holy Spirit an essential of our daily living. However, our commitment to this essential partnership is non-negotiable, for it is through the Holy Spirit that we are empowered to live as authentic followers of Jesus.

In the pursuit of enriching our relationship with the Holy Spirit, we are called by the command of Jesus in Acts 1:2 to freshly embrace the practice of waiting—a posture of surrender and expectancy. It is in this sacred space of waiting that we encounter the Holy Spirit, receiving divine wisdom, baptismal renewal, and empowering grace for witness.

Let us heed the call to prioritize the Holy Spirit above all else. Just as coffee may pick-up our mornings, the Holy Spirit must permeate every aspect of our lives, guiding our steps and igniting our witness to the world.

So, I ask you: Is the Holy Spirit truly essential to you? As we yield to His leading, may we embody the truth of Romans 8:14, boldly living our identity as children of God led by the Spirit.

Together, let us embrace the essential partnership with the Holy Spirit, for in His guidance lies the pathway to abundant life and unwavering witness. Let us pray, seeking that His presence would saturate every aspect of our existence, today and always.


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