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Inhabited: Living Scripture

The Living Word

There once was an American professor who went to Oxford as a visiting academic for a year. When he and his wife arrived, they found themselves exploring the ancient, crumbling stone buildings of the college. Amid the ruins, the professor's wife noticed windows with curtains and people inside, prompting her to exclaim, "Honey! These ruins are inhabited!" This true story became the title of her book, These Ruins Are Inhabited, highlighting their unique experiences.

Much like the professor's wife, many people who open the Bible for the first time see it as a jumble of old writings—a mix of poetry, history, and ethical instructions. Initially, it feels like wandering through old courtyards of a long-abandoned place. But then, just when one might dismiss it as irrelevant, a sense of life and movement is felt, as though the old building were still inhabited, its light left on, its music still playing.

The early Christians believed that Scriptures were alive because God had 'breathed' them into existence. This divine breath still lingers, imparting wisdom, transforming lives, and drawing us closer to understanding God and His creation.

Paul’s letter to Timothy, particularly 2 Timothy 3:10–17, emphasizes this living quality of Scripture. He speaks of how Timothy has followed his teachings and how the Scriptures he has known since childhood can provide wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

Paul explains that Scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness, aiming to make us complete and equipped for every good work. By engaging with Scripture, we open ourselves to being shaped and guided by its teachings. It not only informs but also transforms us, inviting us to embody God’s image fully.

In moments of reflection, the Scriptures rebuke, guide, and encourage us to align our lives with God's will. This transformative journey is akin to making 'improvements' to a house or a city, refining our moral and spiritual alignment.

Ultimately, Paul encourages believers, like Timothy, to hold steadfast to the sacred writings, recognizing their life-altering power.

In this way, God's Word, alive and active, invites us to be hungry for its wisdom and transforming grace, guiding us to fulfill God's grand design for our lives.


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