I have been doing a bit of landscaping around the place. It's been fun, mostly. A bit stressful. But really satisfying. As I've been working away, I've noted a tendency that has increasingly caused me stress.
I am working away at a particular part of the project. Filling in between the driveway concrete with pebbles. Get that close to finished. And then I have the next thing to move onto.
But as I get moving, I see something I have not yet fully resolved - tidying up the used boxes of seed I was sowing in my lawn. And I'll divert from my previously determined next. And low and behold, almost through finishing cleaning up the boxes, I see the deck needs a sweep because it's got allot of dirt and dust from my landscaping efforts… Meanwhile, my major next project item sits waiting. I'm reacting to a whole lot of unfinished in my environment. By as I am pulled to side tasks, my key major project items becoming increasingly compromised.
There are times where we need to keep focus - otherwise we risk failing to finish what we start.
Equally there are many things in life where it is okay to compromise. Desirable. Even very important to do so.
The Gospel of Christ is not one of them.
Over the next couple of months we are going to work through the book of Galatians together. Select passages.
We are going to let this letter, written to a bunch of Gentile believers in Galatia, which is modern day Turkey.
For context, the churches of Galatia have been invaded by some agitators (5:12) who have questioned Paul’s gospel and his apostleship; apparently some Galatians are on the verge of capitulating to them, which sparks a vigorous defense by Paul of his gospel and his calling.
Paul's message in this letter is a call to no-compromise when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul is uncompromising. To the point where he calls upon God to curse anyone who compromises the Gospel he has preached and lived with the Galatians believers.
WHAT IS THIS GOSPEL: Paul actually articulates it simply and clearly throughout this opening section of the letter. The Gospel is:
Forgiven - Jesus "gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father…" (vs.4)
By the victorious Jesus - Jesus who was raised from the dead by the Father (vs.1), thus demonstrated to be more powerful than death itself - the chief fruit, and destructive consequence, of our sin.
Free in grace - Life lived "in the grace of Christ" (vs.6) - nothing more, nothing less, nothing other.
Focused on pleasing God - This is a life lived without need for the approval of humans - to please God in everything is the sole focus of one who believes the Gospel (vs. 10)

This is the heartbeat of the New Testament.
To believe anything other than this is to stray from the truth of the Gospel, and be in danger. So much so, Paul called out any other gospel convictions as false, and any who preach such alternative gospels are to be cursed.
This is a no compromise stance.
But can Paul afford to be anything less if this is the truth? If this is reality for all people everywhere?
That Jesus is the only way to life with God the Creator and Saviour of the world. Jesus is the only way.
Lets keep our focus! This is not a time to be distracted and pulled aside!