What do you want people to say about you, when they talk about you to others, or talk to you?

Do you want people to say things like:
"You're so nice!"
"She's such a capable person!"
"You're so friend!"
"He's so generous with everyone!"
What about...
She walks with God! When I'm around him, I cannot help but sense God is present. Francis Chan - Pastor, communicator, passionate exhorter of the church worldwide - notes in this video that this is exactly what the early church was known for. Check it out here:
My Prayer for our Church
For our church is simply this - That we would be known for this one thing, above all else:
"God is really among you!" [1 Corinthians 14:25]
Would you join me in seeking to be filled with the Spirit for one another, for our community, for our city! Let's be a people of God's Holy Spirit and His empowering boldness!!!
Written by Ps. Rob